Micro Chip

Why do pets run away?

Dogs and cats by their nature are curious. As descendants of feral hunters in the wild, both like to search places and things they find interesting. Exploring and chasing objects are instinctive for household pets, even if they receive adequate attention and care at home.

Dogs in particular are prone to wander outdoors. Their sense of smell draws their attention to other dogs in heat, food, carcasses, etc. Boredom and lack of stimulation can also cause dogs to roam.

Are a collar & tag adequate enough?

Collars are good, but both collars and tags may be removed or lost. Tattooing is also an alternative people implement, but can become illegible over time. Microchipping is the only truly permanent method of identifying your dog.

Why Microchip your pet?

Each year millions of lost and abandoned animals are taken in by animal welfare organizations. A very small percentage of those lost pets are ever reunited with their family. The major reason for failing to reunite a lost pet with its owner is because the pets are unidentifiable. Microchipping offers pet owners the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet and linking the animal back to you. If you want to improve your pet’s chances of returning home, microchipping is your best option.

Can my cat be microchipped?

Yes. Cats can be very unpredicatble and sneak out unnoticed any time a door is opened. Outdoor cats are just as likely to roam as dogs, and their small size puts them at risk against other hunter animals. In the event your cat becomes lost, a registered microchip is your cat’s best chance of getting home.

Are microchips painful?

Animal microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are implanted just beneath the skin. The process is similar to a vaccination and most animals do not react when the microchip is implanted.

Microchips Work

The Humane Society recently published a study involving 53 animal shelter across America to determine the effect that microchips had in reuniting lost pets with their families. The results showed a 250% increase in reuniting micrchipped dogs, and a 200% increase in cats with their owners, compared to those not microchipped.

When is the best time to microchip your pet?

If your pet is not currently microchipped, consider having it done today. If you have a new puppy or kitten, we recommend that you have them microchipped at the time of their final vaccination.

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